Error Spotting Correction Questions For IBPS Clerk

Error Spotting Correction Questions with Answer :

Directions :

In the following questions groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is wrongly spelt. Find the wrongly spelt word.

1. Question

(1) metaphor

(2) expletive

(3) allegary

(4) parody

(3) allegary

2. Question

(1) misogynist

(2) momentery

(3) monotheeism

(4) morotorium

(1) misogynist

3. Question

(1) variety

(2) anxiety

(3) gaitey

(4) society

(3) gaitey

4. Question

(1) hypocrisy

(2) hypocresy

(3) hipocrisy

(4) hipocrecy

(1) hypocrisy

5. Question

(1) synonimous

(2) anonymous

(3) unanimous

(4) pseudonymous

(1) synonimous

6. Question

(1) perepherel

(2) peripheral

(3) perepheral

(4) periphrial

(2) peripheral

7. Question

(1) accumulate

(2) challenge

(3) beginning

(4) tolerent

(4) tolerent

8. Question

(1) ineffectual

(2) iniffectual

(3) inefecttual

(4) inefictual

(1) ineffectual

9. Question

(1) waitage

(2) baggage

(3) luggage

(4) village

(1) waitage

10. Question

(1) exclamatery

(2) exclematory

(3) exclamatary

(4) exclamatory

(4) exclamatory

11. Question

(1) accomplice

(2) accompaniment

(3) accomplishment

(4) accomodation

(4) accomodation

12. Question

(1) tinker     

(2) plumeber

(3) despacher

(4) sailar

(1) tinker     

13. Question

(1) relieve

(2) protein

(3) deceit

(4) frieght

(4) frieght

14. Question

(1) loanly

(2) lonly

(3) lonelie

(4) lonely

(4) lonely

15. Question

(1) commit

(2) comedian

(3) committee

(4) comunication

(4) comunication

16. Question

(1) ceremonial

(2) cerimoneal

(3) ceremonal

(4) ceremonial

(4) ceremonial

17. Question

(1) seize

(2) achieve

(3) wierd

(4) leisure

(3) wierd

18. Question

(1) conciance

(2) consience

(3) conscience

(4) connscience

(3) conscience

19. Question

(1) dining

(2) shining

(3) determining

(4) begining

(4) begining

20. Question

(1) supersede

(2) superseed

(3) supercede

(4) supperssed

(1) supersede

21. Question

(1) prioratise

(2) picturise

(3) visualise

(4) individualise

(1) prioratise

22. Question

(1) grammatic

(2) gremmatic

(3) gramatic

(4) grematic

(1) grammatic

23. Question

(1) penetrate

(2) irritate

(3) hesitate

(1) penetrate

(4) perforate

24. Question

(1) despondant

(2) detremental

(3) diaphenous

(4) dilapidated

(4) dilapidated

25. Question

(1) rapport

(2) support

(3) repport

(4) purport

(3) repport

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