Error Spotting  Questions For SBI SO

Spotting errors Questions with Answer :

Directions :

In the following questions, there are four different words out of which one is correctly spelt. Find the correctly\ spelt word.

1. Question

(1) vacum

(2) manoeuvre

(3) reluctent

(4) burocracy

(2) manoeuvre

2. Question

(1) condom

(2) condemn

(3) contampt

(4) content

(3) contampt

3. Question

(1) mathematician

(2) mathamatisian

(3) mathematican

(4) mathematishen

(1) mathematician

4. Question

(1) poignant

(2) relevent

(3) prevalent

(4) malignant

(2) relevent

5. Question

(1) diffidence

(2) rabit

(3) ninty

(4) avenu

(1) diffidence

6. Question

(1) separate

(2) seperate

(3) seperait

(4) separete

(1) separate

7. Question

(1) venerable

(2) vanerable

(3) veneruble

(4) venarable

(1) venerable

8. Question

(1) drunkeness

(2) drunkenness

(3) durnkness

(4) drunkennes

(2) drunkenness

9. Question

(1) incidantally

(2) incidantelly

(3) incidentally

(4) incidentelly

(3) incidentally

10. Question

(1) imaginery

(2) dictionary

(3) itinerery

(4) stationerry

(2) dictionary

11. Question

(1) ordinannce

(2) ordinence

(3) ordinance

(4) ordinnance

(3) ordinance

12. Question

(1) casset

(2) cassette

(3) casete

(4) cassat

(2) cassette

13. Question

(1) inergy

(2) energy

(3) enerzy

(4) enerzi

(2) energy

14. Question

(1) kleptomaniec

(2) cleptomaniac

(3) kleptomaniac

(4) cleptomeniac

(3) kleptomaniac

15. Question

(1) installation

(2) instalation

(3) insttalation

(4) installasion

(1) installation

16. Question

(1) Separate

(2) Saparate

(3) Saperate

(4) Seperate

(1) Separate

17. Question

(1) addimittion

(2) admission

(3) admition

(4) admision

(2) admission

18. Question

(1) camouflage

(2) camaflouge

(3) cemouflege

(4) cemouflage

(1) camouflage

19. Question

(1) successful

(2) sucessful

(3) succesful

(4) successfull

(1) successful

20. Question

(1) Commensurate

(2) Commensarate

(3) Commansurate

(4) Comansurate

(1) Commensurate

21. Question

(1) objectioneble

(2) objecktionable

(3) objectionablle

(4) objectionable

(4) objectionable

22. Question

(1) sychological

(2) psychological

(3) psykological

(4) sykological

(2) psychological

23. Question

(1) excellence

(2) excellencce

(3) exillance

(4) exellence

(1) excellence

24. Question

(1) Bureaucracy

(2) Beureaucracy

(3) Beureaucracie

(4) Bureaucracie

(1) Bureaucracy

25. Question

(1) ommitted

(2) omitted

(3) omited

(4) ommited

(2) omitted

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