Fill in the Blanks Questions For SSC GD

Important Fill in the Blanks Questions with Answers For SSC GD

Directions (1-10) :

In these questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four alternatives.

1. The flash of the torch…….a cobra.

 (1) exposed

 (2) displayed

 (3) disclosed

 (4) revealed

 (4) revealed

2. He…….himself a stiff drink before making his statement to the police officer.

 (1) threw

 (2) poured

 (3) filled

 (4) sipped

 (2) poured

3. It was his…….that led him to penury.

 (1) flamboyance

 (2) arrogance

 (3) extravagance

 (4) ebullience

 (3) extravagance

4. Gita was known to be a…….so nobody entrusted any important work to her.

 (1) joker

 (2) worker

 (3) shocker

 (4) shirker

 (4) shirker

5. The statue was so…….that people stared at it in horror.

 (1) grotesque

 (2) exquisite

 (3) beatific

 (4) cumbersome

 (1) grotesque

6. He was caught red-handed and could not…….the charges.

 (1) refute

 (2) refuse

 (3) rebuke

 (4) revoke

 (1) refute

7. Unhappy about the treatment meted out to her, Shanti……. demanded justice.

 (1) sumptuously

 (2) voraciously

 (3) spasmodically

 (4) vociferously

 (4) vociferously

8. The police sprayed tear gas…….on the protesters.

 (1) indirectly

 (2) intensively

 (3) indifferently

 (4) indiscriminately

 (4) indiscriminately

9. We are happy to…….the receipt of your order No 4071 dated 13.3.96.

 (1) admit

 (2) accept

 (3) acknowledge

 (4) respond

 (3) acknowledge

10. All jobs are respectable…….of their nature.

 (1) irrelevant

 (2) immaterial

 (3) irresponsible

 (4) irrespective

 (4) irrespective

Directions (11-20) :

Sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate and suitable word. Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

11. Nadheeka was musing …… memories of the past.

 (1) over

 (2) about

 (3) on

 (4) from

 (1) over

12. The lame boy tried to climb up the staircase without …… help.

 (1) little

 (2) any

 (3) some

 (4) many

 (2) any

13. Each school has its own set of rules ……all good pupils should follow them.

 (1) but

 (2) or

 (3) so

 (4) and

 (4) and

14. On my return from a long holiday, I had to ……with a lot of work.

 (1) catch on

 (2) catch up

 (3) make up

 (4) take up

 (2) catch up

15. Only one of the boys ……not done the home-work given yesterday.

 (1) have

 (2) has

 (3) can

 (4) could

 (2) has

16. Hopes of a settlement depends on the ……of the discussion.

 (1) findings

 (2) outcome

 (3) break through

 (4) resolutions

 (2) outcome

17. We must avail ourselves ……every opportunity that comes ……our way.

 (1) of ; in

 (2) on ; in

 (3) against ; for

 (4) to ; to

 (1) of ; in

18. It is time we ……with determination.

 (1) act

 (2) acted

 (3) have acted

 (4) will act

 (2) acted

19. When the thief entered the house, the inmates ….in the hall.

 (1) were slept

 (2) were sleeping

 (3) slept

 (4) had been sleeping

 (2) were sleeping

20. 700 men worked for 10 years to……the Borobudur temple in Java to its former glory.

 (1) restore

 (2) give

 (3) create

 (4) revive

 (1) restore

Directions (21-25) :

In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word (s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

21. The thief explained how he ……. from the jail.

 (1) escapes

 (2) had escaped

 (3) escaped

 (4) has escaped

 (2) had escaped

22. He held …… to the books passionately.

 (1) on

 (2) in

 (3) off

 (4) away

 (1) on

23. They did not know where they ……. from.

 (1) had come

 (2) have come

 (3) has come

 (4) come

 (1) had come

24. There is only one member who has not paid his …… and he has promised to pay before the end of this month.

 (1) remittance

 (2) honorarium

 (3) subscription

 (4) allowance

 (3) subscription

25. He was an …… swimmer, but was swept away by a strong ……

 (1) eligible; water

 (2) able; stream

 (3) old; river

 (4) expert; current

 (4) expert; current

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