Fill in The Blanks Questions with Answer For MTS

Fill in The Blanks Questions :

Directions :

In the following questions, sentences are given with blanks to be filled in with an appropriate word(s). Four alternatives are suggested for each question. Choose the correct alternative out of the four.

1. The teacher gives many examples to….the idea contained in the poem.

(1) bring about

(2) bring in

(3) bring forth

(4) bring out

(4) bring out

2. Madhu has not been able to recall where…..

(1) does she live.

(2) she lived.

(3) did she live.

(4) lived the girl.

(2) she lived.

3. If I hadn’t come along at that moment, Rahim…..the one arrested instead of the real thief.

(1) might been

(2) may have been

(3) can have been

(4) could have been

(4) could have been

4. It’ll rain soon, ………… ?

(1) won’t it

(2) bought it

(3) isn’t it

(4) may it

(1) won’t it

5. They needn’t worry, ………..?

(1) isn’t it

(2) doesn’t it

(3) don’t it

(4) need they

(4) need they

6. We are all very indignant ……….. the injustice done to him.

(1) for

(2) of

(3) to

(4) at

(4) at

7. The greater the demand, ………… the price.

(1) higher

(2) high

(3) the higher

(4) the high

(3) the higher

8. For all his ________, he is a _______.

(1) wealth, miser

(2) health, player

(3) tricks, cheat

(4) stupidity, fool

(1) wealth, miser

9. Kumar _________ boy swam across the sea for safety.

(1) a 17-years-old

(2) a 17-year-old

(3) a 17-year-aged

(4) the 17-year-old

(2) a 17-year-old

10. Gandhiji will _________ in history as one of the greatest men, that ever lived.

(1) go by

(2) go on

(3) go down

(4) go through

(3) go down

11. A _________ of Japanese artists stepped off the coach amidst a warm welcome.

(1) troop

(2) troupe

(3) band

(4) gang

(2) troupe

12. As he proved inefficient the company _______ him.

(1) rejected

(2) ejected

(3) evicted

(4) expelled

(4) expelled

13. The cost of _____ is rising rapidly in this city.

(1) being

(2) existing

(3) surviving

(4) living

(4) living

14. She was relieved to hear from the doctor that the tumour was not malignant; it was ___.

(1) exposed

(2) benign

(3) discovered

(4) sizeable

(2) benign

15. You have all come well prepared. I _____ you to pass this exam.

(1) wish

(2) except

(3) hope

(4) expect

(4) expect

16. I have little time, so I can tell you only …………. what he said.

(1) shortly

(2) briefly

(3) little of

(4) briskly

(2) briefly

17. His wife has a twin who resembles her so much that at first he had great trouble telling ……………….

(1) one from the other.

(2) one from another.

(3) each other.

(4) who is which.

(4) who is which.

18. She had frequent toothaches. So she decided to …………….

(1) remove her teeth

(2) removing her teeth

(3) have her teeth removed

(4) having her teeth removed

(3) have her teeth removed

19. Ten miles ___ a long way to walk.

(1) are

(2) is

(3) are being

(4) are not

(2) is

20. I complimented him ___ his success in the examination.

(1) at

(2) on

(3) about

(4) for

(2) on

21. The dramatist must cater _____the taste of the audience.

(1) to

(2) over

(3) into

(4) for

(4) for

22. If I had worked hard, I ____ very high marks in the examination.

(1) scored

(2) would score

(3) could score

(4) would have scored

(4) would have scored

23. I am satisfied ………. his innocence.

(1) at

(2) with

(3) for

(4) of

(2) with

24. Ram, along with the members ofvthe family and that of his friend, ………. a movie.

(1) was watching

(2) were watching

(3) have been watching

(4) watch

(1) was watching

25. The boy was _____ of cheating in the examination.

(1) condemned

(2) accused

(3) charged

(4) punished

(2) accused

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