Machine Input Questions For Delhi Police Constable

Important Machine input Questions with Answers For Delhi Police Constable

1. Input night cast 25 31 then from 94 65

Step I 31 night cast 25 then from 94 65

Step II 31 then night cast 25 from 94 65

Step III 31 then 25 nights cast from 94 65

Step IV 31 then 25 from nights cast 94 65

Step V 31 then 25 from 94 night cast 65

Step VI 31 then 25 from 94 night 65 cast

If the input is: 37 yellow 61 42 53 violet green red

i. Which word or number comes after ‘61’ in the 3rd step?

1. 61

2. Yellow

3. Green

4. red

2. Output found never 37 58 ok 96 no 23

Step I 23 found never 37 58 ok 96 no

Step II 23 ok found never 37 58 96 no

Step III 23 ok 96 found never 37 58 no

Step IV 23 ok 96 never found 37 58 no

Step V 23 ok 96 never 37 found 58 no

Step VI 23 ok 96 never 37 no found 58

Step VII 23 ok 96 never 37 no 58 found

If the output is: later out time for 63 84 41 95

i. How many steps are required to bring the last step of the output?

1. 5

2. 6

3. 7

4. 4

3. Input buy pack 81 32 golf 59 then 56

Step I pack buy 81 32 golf 59 then 56

Step II pack 59 buy 81 32 golf then 56

Step III pack 59 golf buy 81 32 then 56

Step IV pack 59 golf 56 buy 81 32 then

Step V pack 59 golf 56 buy 32 81 then

Step VI pack 59 golf 56 buy 32 then 81

If the input is: year 39 give 47 house full 94 55

i. Which is the sixth word or number from right in the second step?

1. 39

2. 55

3. year

4. house

4. Input 96 gain 36 forest 83 78 peek terrace

Step I peek 96 gain 36 forest 83 78 terrace

Step II peek 83 96 gain 36 forest 78 terrace

Step III peek 83 forest 96 gain 36 78 terrace

Step IV peek 83 forest 36 gain 96 78 terrace

Step V peek 83 forest 36 gain 78 96 terrace

Step VI peek 83 forest 36 gain 78 terrace 96

If the input is: 99 87 adapt 46 58 boy ball get

i. Which word or number comes after ‘58’ in the 4th step?

1. 99

2. 87

3. ball

4. get

5. A machine generates pass codes step-by-step following certain rules as illustrated below.

Input anger near 53 72 61 69 height rest

Step I 69 anger near 53 72 61 height rest

Step II 69 near anger 53 72 61 height rest

Step III 69 near 53 anger 72 61 height rest

Step IV 69 near 53 height anger 72 61 rest

Step V 69 near 53 height 72 anger 61 rest

By following the above arrangement a new machine input will be given and you have to answer the question following that input.

If the input is: 42 there 78 18 47 ok always go

i. Which word or number comes after ‘always’ in the 6 th step?

1. 47

2. 18

3. Ok

4. There

Direction (6-10): Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

A word and number arrangement machine when given an input line of words

and numbers rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The

following is an illustration of an input and rearrangement.

Input: Tree Fast 83 Moon 28 42 Scan Acts 59 15

Step I: Acts Tree Fast Moon 28 42 Scan 59 15 83

Step II: Fast Acts Tree Moon 28 42 Scan 15 83 59

Step III: Moon Fast Acts Tree 28 Scan 15 83 59 42

Step IV: Scan Moon Fast Acts Tree 15 83 59 42 28

Step V: Tree Scan Moon Fast Acts 83 59 42 28 15

And Step V is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following

questions the appropriate step for the given input.

Input: Jacks 32 Smooth Verify 97 45 Bricks Goods 61 20

6. Which of the following element will be fifth from the right end in Step III?

1. 20

2. 97

3. Bricks

4. Verify

7. How many elements are there in between ‘Goods’ and ‘20’ in the Step IV?

1. Two

2. Three

3. Four

4. One

8. In which step the elements ‘Bricks 32 Smooth’ found in the same order?

1. Step I

2. Step II

3. Step III

4. Step IV

9. If ‘32’ is related to ‘Bricks’ in the Step II and ‘61’ is related to ‘Bricks’ in the

last step. Then, ‘Smooth’ is related to which of the following in the Step I?

1. 97

2. 61

3. Goods

4. Jacks

10. Which of the following element is fourth to the right of the element ‘Goods’

in the step last but one?

1. 20

2. 97

3. Verify

4. Smooth

11. Study the following information carefully and answer the given question:

The following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement.

(numbers wherever they appear are two digit number)

Input: Sold data 19 24 from 92 then 40

Step |: Data sold 19 24 from 92 then 40

Step Il: Data 92 sold 19 24 from then 40

Step Ill: Data 92 from sold 19 24 then 40

Step IV : Data 92 from 40 sold 19 24 then

Step V : Data 92 from 40 sold 24 19 then

Step VI : Data 92 from 40 sold 24 then 19

And Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, How many steps will be required to complete the rearrangement for the input given below?

Input : Year 41 stock 48 honest for 93 55

1. V

2. III

3. IV

4. VI

12. Read the following information carefully and answer the question that follow:

A word and number arrangement machine, when given input as set of words and numbers, rearranges them following a particular rule and generates a stepwise output until the rearrangement is complete the following that rule.

Following is an illustration of the input and step of rearrangement until the last step.

Input: Tokyo 7 Rio @ 5 Salva We

Step 1: Tokyo 7 Rio @ We 5 Salva

Step 2: Tokyo 7 Rio We @ 5 Salva

Step 3: 7 Rio We @ 5 Salva Tokyo

Step 4: Rio 7 We @ 5 Salva Tokyo

in addition, step 4 is the last step.

For the input, “Let 1 mail & check me and”, What is Step 4?

1. mail 1 me Let & and check

2. 1 & and check me Let mail

3. mail 1 and & check me Let

4. and check me Let mail 1%

13. Study the following information carefully and answer the given question:

The following is an example of inputs and reconstruction.

(All numbers are two/three-digit number)

Input: Watse 18 worts young 6 best 41 covered 64 house 100 88

Step 1: Best waste 18 worst young 0641 covered 63 house 100 88

Step 2: Best 06 waste 18 worst young 41 covered 63 House 100 88

Step 3: Best 06 covered waste 18 worst young 41 63 Hose 100 88

Step 4: Best 06 covered 18 waste worst young 41 63 House 100 88

Step 5: Best 06 Covered 18 house waste worst young 41 63 House 100 88

Step 6: Best 06 covered 18 House 41 waste worst young 63 100 88

Step 7: Best 06 covered 18 House 41 waste 63 worst young 100 88

Step 8: Best 06 covered 18 House 41 waste 63 worst 88 young 100

According to the rules followed in the above steps, find the words/number from the left to the sixth position in step 5 for the input given below.

Input: Near 55 Pound 85 15 Tallest 01 push gold 42

1. 15

2. 55

3. pound

4. 42

14. Study the following information carefully and answer the given question:

The following is an example of inputs and reconfiguration.

(Numbers are two-digit numbers wherever they appear)

Input: 49 Pollen 92 Flower 02 Anther 16 Stamen 60.

Step I: 92 49 Pollen Flower 02 16 stamen 60 Anther.

Step II; 92 60 49 Pollen 02 16 stamen Anther Flower.

Step Ill: 92 60 49 02 16 stamen Anther Flower Pollen.

Step IV: 92 60 49 16 02 Anther flower pollen stamen.

 And step IV is the last stage of reconfiguration of the upper input.

According to the rules followed in the above steps, how many steps will be required to reach the final stage of the input given below?

New Input: 82 hertz 54 flake 34 rancid 94 appeal 18.

1. Step VII

2. Step IV

3. Step VI

4. Step V

15. Study the following information carefully and answer the given question:

The following is an illustration inputs and its rearrangement.

(Numbers wherever they appear are two-digit numbers)

Input: Sold data 19 24 from 92 then 40

Step |: Data sold 19 24 from 92 then 40

Step Il: Data 92 sold 19 24 from then 40

Step Ill: Data 92 from sold 19 24 then 40

Step IV: Data 92 from 40 sold 19 24 then

Step V: Data 92 from 40 sold 24 19 then

Step VI: Data 92 from 40 sold 24 then 19

And Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, answer the following question.

lf Step Il of an Input is “highest 70 store paid 35 44 14 there”, which of the following will be step VI?

1. There will be no such step

2. Highest to paid 35 44 store 14 there

3. Highest to paid 44 store 35 there 14

4, Highest to paid 44 store 35 14 there

16. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement.

Input: 12, 17, 14, 23, 22, 19, 25. 29

Step l: 6, 16. 10, 10, 8, 20, 14, 22

Step Il: 9, 64, 25, 25, 16, 100, 49, 121

Step III: 15, 20, 17, 17, 16, 22, 19, 23

Step IV: 9, 18, 9, 9, 9, 18, 9, 18

Step V: 11, 20, 11, 11, 11, 20, 11, 20

What will be the fifth step of the following input?

Input 52, 78, 43, 39, 47, 36, 57, 19

1, 78, 43, 52, 39, 47, 57, 36, 19

2. 11, 20, 11, 20, 20, 20, 20, 20

3. 39, 43, 47, 78, 36,57, 52,19

4. 47, 36, 43, 39, 57, 19, 52, 78

17. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement.

input: world 45 is 24 going 93 79 hope

Step |: world 93 45 is 24 going 79 hope

Step Il: world 93 is 45 24 going 79 hope

Step Ill: world 93 is 79 45 24 going hope

Step IV: world 93 is 79 hope 45 24 going

Sten V: world 93 is 79 hope 45 going 24

And Step V is the last step of the above input.

As per the pattern followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.

Input: order 52 takes 69 strive 5738 year

Which of the following terms is fifth from the left end in the final step?

1. strive

2. 52

3. 38

4. order

18. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

A number arrangement machine, when given a particular input, rearranges it following a particular rule. The following is the illustration of the input and the steps of arrangement. (All the numbers are two-digit numbers)

Input: 84 28 36 64 42 74

Step |: 28 84 36 64 42 74

Step II: 28 36 84 64 42 74

Step III: 28 36 42 84 64 74

Step IV: 28 36 24 64 84 74

Step V: 28 36 24 64 74 84

Step VI: 14 18 21 32 37 42

And step VI is the last step of the above input.

As per the pattern followed in the above steps, find out in each of the following questions the appropriate steps for the given input.

input: 56 68 94 86 48 76

What is the sum of the first and last numbers of the final step of the arrangement?

1. 63

2. 65

3. 71

4. 56

19. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below.

The following is an illustration of input and its rearrangement.

(Numbers wherever they appear are two-digit numbers)

Input: Sold data 19 24 from 92 then 40

Step |: Data sold 19 24 from 92 then 40

Step Il: Data 92 sold 19 24 from then 40

Step Ill: Data 92 from sold 19 24 then 40

Step IV: Data 92 from 40 sold 19 24 then

Step V: Data 92 from 40 sold 24 19 then

Step VI: Data 92 from 40 sold 24 then 19

And Step VI is the last step of the rearrangement of the above input.

As per the rules followed in the above steps, which word / number is second to the right of fourth from the right end in the fourth step of the input given below?

Input: Year 41 stock 48 honest for 93 55

1. 93

2. honest

3. 48

4. stock

20. Study the given information carefully and answer the following questions.

A word arrangement machine when given an input of words, rearranges them following a particular rule in each step. The following is an illustration of input and steps rearrangement.

Input: Millions Year Decline By Natural Houses

Step 1: Year Millions Decline By Natural Houses

Step 2: Year Natural Millions Decline By Houses

Step 3: Year Natural Millions Houses Decline By

This is the final arrangement and step 3 is the last step.

As per the rules followed in the given steps, answer the questions given below for the following input.

Input: Crucial Work Take Real Life Meaning

How many words are there between the word “Real” and “Life” in the second last step?

1. One

2. Two

3. Four

4. More than four

21. Which of the following has the smallest value?

1. 3670 + 800 + 20

2. 3955 + 601 – 80

3. 4500 – 128 + 40

4. 4600 – 150 – 29

22. Study the given information carefully and answer the following questions.


(i) If @ prime number comes at an even position, then rewrite its first digit as #.

(ti) If a composite number comes at an odd position, then rewrite its second digit as $

Input: 54 29 79 87 40 61 17 99 39 59 94 06

Step |: 99 79 87 _995$ 3$ #9 5__ 17 #1 06 4$

Step Il:__ _ #9 8§ 3$ 9$ 5$ #9 #1 17 45 O$

Step Ill: #9 #9#9_ #1_ 9$ 83 5$ 4$ 35 O$

Note –

Change to any number will be made once only.

Blanks in each step are numbered as 1, 2, 3 and so on, progressing form left to right.

lf the original form of a number is changed once then it would not be considered for rearrangement.

The positions are counted from left to right such that the leftmost position is treated as 1 and so on.

Which of the following element will fill the blanks 2 in step II and blank 1 in step III respectively ?

1. 99, 57

2. $9, #7

3. 9$, #7

4. #9, #7

23. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:


(i) If a prime number comes at an even position, then rewrite its first digit as #.

(ii) If a composite number comes at an odd position, then rewrite its second digit as $

Input: 54 29 79 87 40 61 17 99 39 59 94 06

Step I: 99 79 87 _ 9 9$ 3$ #9 5 _ 17 #1 06 4$

Step Il:__ __ #9 8$ 3$ 9$ 5$ #9 #1 17 45 0$

Step Ill: #9 #949 _ #1 _ 9$ 8$ 5$ 4$ 3$ 0$

Note –

Change to any number will be made once only.

Blanks in each step are numbered as 1, 2, 3 and so on, progressing form left to right. if the original form of a number is changed once then it would not be considered for rearrangement. The positions are counted from left to right such that the leftmost position is treated as 1 and so on.

Which of the following number/symbol will appear in the blank which is fifth form the right end in Step I?

1. $

2. #

3. 9

4. 4

24. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:


(i} If @ prime number comes at an even position, then rewrite its first digit as #.

(ti) If a composite number comes at an odd position, then rewrite its second digit as $

Input: 54 29 79 87 40 61 17 99 39 59 94 06

Step |: 99 79 87 _9 9$ 3$ #9 5__ 17 #1 06 4$

Step Il: _ _ #9 8$ 3$ 9$ 5$ #9 #1 17 4$ 0$

Step Ill: #9 #9#9__ #1 __ 9$ 8$ 5$ 4$ 3$ 0$

Note –

Change to any number will be made once only.

Blanks in each step are numbered as 1, 2, 3 and so on, progressing form left to right. if the original form of a number is changed once then it would not be considered for rearrangement. The positions are counted from left to right such that the leftmost position is treated as 1 and so on.

Find the odd one out:

1. 54

2. 06

3. 17

4. 87

25. Study the following information carefully and answer the questions given below:


(i} If a prime number comes at an even position, then rewrite its first digit as #.

(ii) If a composite number comes at an odd position, then rewrite its second digit as $

Input: 54 29 79 87 40 61 17 99 39 59 94 06

Step |: 99 79 87 _99$ 3$ #9 5_ 17 #1 06 4$

Step Il:__ __ #9 8$ 3$ 9$ 5$ #9 #1 17 453 O$

Step Ill: #9 #949 _ #1 _ 9$ 8$ 5$ 4$ 3$ 0$

Note –

Change to any number will be made once only.

Blanks in each step are numbered as 1, 2, 3 and so on, progressing form left to right.

if the original form of a number is changed once then it would not be considered for rearrangement.

The positions are counted from left to right such that the leftmost position is treated as 1 and so on.

How many times # can be seen in last step?

1. Four

2. Five

3. Six

4. More than $

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