One word Substitution Questions with Answers For IBPS RRB

Important One word Substitution Questions :

Directions :

In the following questions, out of the four alternatives, choose the one which can be substituted for the given words/ sentence.

1. A form of government in which the supreme power rests with people is

(1) monarchy

(2) oligarchy

(3) democracy

(4) bureaucracy

(3) democracy

2. The study of insects

(1) anthropology

(2) zoology

(3) etymology

(4) entomology

(4) entomology

3. Animals that live in a particular region

(1) fauna

(2) wildlife

(3) native

(4) beast

(1) fauna

4. One who eats human flesh

(1) maneater

(2) cannibal

(3) beast

(4) savage

(2) cannibal

5. More like a woman than a man in manners and habits

(1) unmanly

(2) effeminate

(3) womanish

(4) delicate

(2) effeminate

6. Occurring at irregular intervals in time

(1) epidemic

(2) endemic

(3) temporal

(4) sporadic

(4) sporadic

7. To play the part of, and function as, some other person

(1) imitate

(2) pretend

(3) impersonate

(4) act

(4) act

8. The first speech made by a person

(1) maiden

(2) extempore

(3) debate

(4) palaver

(1) maiden

9. To die without having made a will

(1) intaglio

(2) inveterate

(3) intestate

(4) insolvent

(3) intestate

10. Rebellion against lawful authority

(1) mutiny


(3) revolution


(1) mutiny

11. Murder of a brother

(1) fratricide

(2) patricide

(3) regicide

(4) homicide

(1) fratricide

12. One who is out to destroy the Government

(1) anarchist

(2) villain

(3) criminal

(4) enemy

(1) anarchist

13. A set of three related works by the same author

(1) topology

(2) trilogy

(3) trichology

(4) ecology

(2) trilogy

14. Relating to kinship with the father

(1) patrilineal

(2) fratrilineal

(3) matrilineal

(4) familial

(1) patrilineal

15. One who accepts pleasure and pain equally

(1) thespian

(2) sadist

(3) stoic

(4) humanitarian

(3) stoic

16. To try to settle a dispute between two other parties

(1) medicate

(2) mediate

(3) meddle

(4) meditate

(2) mediate

17. An exact- copy of handwriting or a picture produced by a machine

(1) original

(2) facsimile

(3) copy

(4) None of these

(2) facsimile

18. Tending to associate with others of one’s kind

(1) grassivorous

(2) gregarian

(3) gregarious

(4) graminivorous

(3) gregarious

19. To reduce to nothing

(1) lull

(2) null

(3) annul

(4) cull

(2) null

20. To remove an objectionable part from a book.

(1) exterminate

(2) expurgate

(3) extirpate

(4) destroy

(2) expurgate

21. Words inscribed on a tomb

(1) epitaph

(2) epitome

(3) epistle

(4) epilogue

(1) epitaph

22.To free a person by a verdict of ‘not guilty’.

(1) acquaint

(2) acquit

(3) acquiesce

(4) acquire

(2) acquit

23. A word composed of the first letters of the words in a phrase

(1) abridgement

(2) almanac

(3) anachronism

(4) acronym

(4) acronym

24. Hole excavated by an animal as dwelling

(1) borrow

(2) burrow

(3) bore

(4) pierce

(2) burrow

25. A person who attends to the diseases of the eye is an

(1) oculist

(2) optimist

(3) obstetrician

(4) optician

(1) oculist

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