Spotting Errors Questions For IBPS RRB

Spotting Errors Questions with Answer :

Directions :

In the following questions groups of four words are given. In each group, one word is correctly spelt. Find the correctly spelt word.

1. Question

(1) independance

(2) independence

(3) independens

(4) indepandance

(2) independence

2. Question

(1) assesment

(2) assignment

(3) alignment

(4) inherent

(1) assesment

3. Question

(1) aeroplane

(2) airoplane

(3) aeroplain

(4) airoplain

(1) aeroplane

4. Question

(1) labrinth

(2) laboratory

(3) laborious

(4) library

(1) labrinth

5. Question

(1) cerimony

(2) ceremoney

(3) ceremony

(4) cerimoney

(3) ceremony

6. Question

(1) passagway

(2) causeway

(3) subway

(4) straightway

(1) passagway

7. Question

(1) seperate

(2) confidance

(3) referance

(4) prosperous

(4) prosperous

8. Question

(1) privelege

(2) familiar

(3) usualy

(4) nuisence

(2) familiar

9. Question

(1) necter

(2) necassary

(3) puntuation

(4) pungent

(4) pungent

10. Question

(1) onvelope

(2) envelope

(3) envalope

(4) envelap

(2) envelope

11. Question

(1) columen

(2) autumn

(3) condamm

(4) symptem

(2) autumn

12. Question

(1) asiduous

(2) nefarious

(3) macaber

(4) loqacious

(2) nefarious

13. Question

(1) corespondent

(2) commandent

(3) superintendent

(4) attendent

(3) superintendent

14. Question

(1) proffession

(2) profetion

(3) profesion

(4) profession

(4) profession

15. Question

(1) pronounciation

(2) repercution

(3) rehabilitation

(4) tution

(3) rehabilitation

16. Question

(1) startegy

(2) stratagie

(3) strategy

(4) stratagy

(3) strategy

17. Question

(1) repitition

(2) repetition

(3) repitetion

(4) repetetion

(2) repetition

18. Question

(1) Commemmorate

(2) Commemorate

(3) Comemmorate

(4) Comemorate

(2) Commemorate

19. Question

(1) mischeivous

(2) miscariage

(3) misdemeanour

(4) misnomar

(3) misdemeanour

20. Question

(1) sparro

(2) sparrow

(3) sperrow

(4) sparow

(2) sparrow

21. Question

(1) diferentiate

(2) deferentiate

(3) differentiate

(4) differensiate

(3) differentiate

22. Question

(1) miscellaneous

(2) miscelaneous

(3) misscellaneous

(4) miscelleneous

(1) miscellaneous

23. Question

(1) business

(2) dissappear

(3) pleashure

(4) indigetion

(1) business

24. Question

(1) Alleviate

(2) Allaviate

(3) Alliveate

(4) Allaevate

(1) Alleviate

25. Question

(1) strom

(2) galle

(3) tempest

(4) huricane

(3) tempest

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